Below are just a few of the acts that Bad Monkey Records & Promotions have worked with on both a Label Basis & a Promotions Basis. Check out their on site dedicated page or their Facebook pages as linked & follow them on the journey, keeping up to date on all gigs & releases. To get your act or band below simply get in touch and let us see how we can help you get the airplay & recognition you deserve. Visit the acts Social platforms and show your love, because let's face it, too often musicians are left feeling they are only playing for "tips" and that's not right. Let's give them what they deserve. Click on their logos below to discover more & remember, wherever possible, buy direct from the acts for their Merch & CD's to give them maximum income, then download & stream too! Play Fair is the motto we are aiming to spread far and wide so that we can all watch our favourite artists thrive. Remember, get in touch about our campaigns and let's see how we can help you, the artist, achieve more!
Click Images To View The Artists Dedicated Pages Or Socials